Fun with our third quarter hypnotist booster! #wearelombard
Young Author's finalists! #wearelombard
Wednesday's wonderful students of the day! #wearelombard
Upcoming Dates to Remember!
Positive Office Referrals to kick off the week! #wearelombard
Monday's marvelous students of the day! Daylight Savings is rough! #wearelombard
Congratulations to the Churchill and Lombard volleyball teams. #endofanera
The Final Churchill vs. Lombard Junior High Volleyball game takes place tonight at Thiel Gymnasium! 7th grade game begins at 5:30 p.m. with the 8th grade game to follow.
Wednesday's wonderful students of the day! #wearelombard
Tuesday's terrific students of the day! #wearelombard
Monday's marvelous students of the day! #wearelombard
Friday's fabulous students of the day! #wearelombard
Positive office referrals!!! #wearelombard
Loved the sales pitches from Mrs. Jamison's class today! #wearelombard
Thursday's terrific students of the day! #wearelombard
Important announcement:
Wednesday's wonderful students of the day! #wearelombard
Tuesday's terrific students of the day! #wearelombard
Monday's marvelous students of the day! #wearelombard
The Lombard volleyball games vs Monmouth-Roseville Monday will start with 8th grade at 4:30, followed by 7th grade, so our 8th graders can make it to GHS for Freshman Orientation night.