Dear Parents and Guardians,
The staff at Lombard is committed to providing you with the opportunity to meet with your student’s teachers. As in the Fall, conferences will be handled remotely through Google Meets. Parent and Teacher Conferences this semester will be held on February 23rd and February 25th, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. We will conduct these conferences like we did in the Fall. Tuesday evening will be reserved for scheduled conferences and Thursday evening your child’s teachers will be available for you to join their Google meet as you are available. If you have questions or would like to schedule a conference please call 973-2004 or email your student’s teacher to set up your conference.
Tuesday Feb. 23 (4:00pm-7:30pm):
Conferences this evening will be scheduled. Please contact your child’s teacher(s) to make a scheduled conference. If you have any questions or need assistance please reach out to one of your child’s teachers. Your child’s homeroom teacher is a great initial contact if you are unsure of where to start.
Thursday Feb. 25 (4:00pm-7:30pm):
Conferences will be held in an open format. Each Teacher will have a google meet link assigned to them. You are free to click the link to connect with the specific teacher you are interested in conferencing with. We are asking for your patience on this evening as teachers will need to let you in to the virtual conference room. They may be finishing up another conference, but will be with you as soon as they can. A document with each teacher’s clickable links will be shared via social media and through email as we get closer to the conference date.
As always our teachers are also available for conferencing, student help sessions, or general Q/A during office hours. Meetings at these times are also scheduled to be held virtually and we request you reach out to the teacher ahead of time to schedule a specific day and time. If the above mentioned P/T conference dates do not work out please feel free to reach out to a teacher to schedule a time if you are needing to virtually meet to discuss your child’s progress.
Parent Teacher Conferences
February 18, 2021