Jaxcen has been doing a great job of following CHAMPS expectations since she joined our classroom in February. She is a very hard worker, and she is always on task. I also learned this past week, that she is a wonderful artist! I'm so glad that she is now at Steele and in my classroom! She is definitely a Steele Superstar!
Emani has shown a tremendous amount of determination and perseverance the past few weeks! He is an incredible artist and dreams of designing comic books some day. Recently he realized what a wonderful reader he is and now he knows that the sky's the limit for his future! Keep up the great work, Emani! I can’t wait to buy your comic books one day.
Austin has been working hard in class, lunch, recess, and specials to be a good friend to others in the classroom by making good choices. He has been a Steele Star in leadership for this area the past couple of weeks. Keep up the great work, Austin! I am SO proud of your growth!
All three of these students, Jeremie, Theresa, Vermanche, showed a great deal of integrity this week and stood up for what is right. They should be proud to have exemplified what it means to be a Steele Star!
Cassius works hard in class and tries his best. He is kind to others and gets along with everyone. He will always help others when asked, but this week he was extra helpful to another student. Cassius, keep being awesome!